Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas!
I have a date with a mouse
Really late Thanksgiving Pictures
Turkey and Dressing- Need I say moreMama's pound cakeMy thighs are still paying for these sticky buns.
I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. I am off to start on Christmas cards.
Black Friday Sneak Peak
Christmas Page Kit- $6.50- This kit is perfect for taking care of those Christmas layout quickly during the Christmas rush.
Clip it Up Base Unit- $45 Clip it Up Upper Tier- $25
This is just a handful of items. Orders over $75 will get free shipping. Come on out and shop in your jammies.
Check out the sale
Deluxe Suede 12X12 Album marked down to $18.99
I am off now to work on the November calendar. I am a few days behind. The kids are eager to count down to Thanksgiving. Not because they are excited about Thanksgiving. They know that a trip to Disney World will happen shortly after Thanksgiving. Ok, so I am counting down too. As of today we have under 40 days.
They're Here!!!
A piece of my heart and my inspiration
Stitchy Butt
a couple of layouts on Princess #2
Bad blogger
I have some good news. I have ordered three new lines of paper from the new company Daisy Bucket Designs. I love their paper. They were at CHA summer and I was able to bring home some samples and I just love it. The paper is double-sided and textured. The colors are vibrant. I hope you will love it as much as I do. We will carry Garden Gate, Wrapped Wishes, and Bloomin' Paislies collection.
We also will have new Christmas paper coming in next week. Creative Imagination's Winter Star and Winter Bird.Winter TreeWinter Star
Look for these and a few other new addition coming next week.
The Beach
Sick baby
After only a week in school, the preschool germs have attacked Jaden. He came home Tuesday with 101.7 fever and a small rash on his forehead. By morning the rash extended to his waist. This morning the rash was from head to toe with 102.2 fever. The cause is a virus, beginning of pneumonia, and an ear infection. The result is the rest of the week at home with a mommy who has a full schedule to balance. He has really been a good sport about it. He isn't thrilled to miss school or be quarantined to his room so he doesn't infect the rest of the family before vacation next week.
The Magic Bus Came
My baby started school today
Calling all Hokies
Look what's here! I will be posting this on the store tomorrow. Ok, so the game against LSU stinks right now but give us a break we are breaking in new people. I still stand proud and shout even as we are losing badly, LET'S GO HOKIES!
What have I been up to...
My Baby Girl is 5
There was a wild and crazy party at my house today. Give a bunch of 5 year olds dressed as princesses some juicy juice and a bouncer and the tulle will fly. Today is Jasmine's birthday. She is very happy to finally announce to everyone who will listen that she is 5. We had the ultimate princess party. All the little girls were all dressed so cute. The girly girl mentality goes out the windown when you put these girls on a bouncer. I'm pretty sure Cinderella didn't show as much tushy. Jasmine chose not to be a princess for her princess party. Tinker Bell is more her speed. Tink is a girl who has more fun. It seems like such a short time ago when she came to live with us. Wow, she has changed so much.
First Day of School
Waiting for the bus
The girls
Today was the day! The first day of school finally arrived. The girls happily bounced down the stairs to get eat and dress. They were even patient as mom took 77 pictures. Yep, I said 77. When you have a Canon Rebel, 77 is a small number. That thing can take several pictures with the slightest touch. They both did great until the bus stopped and Jasmine got on first. She stopped in her tracks causing Taylor to run into her. I think the realization hit her that she was on a bus heading to SCHOOL. Her eyes got really big and I thought she was going to bolt from the bus. Maybe it was a good thing Taylor was behind her. She started to move down the aisle like she had cement blocks on her feet. She finally found a seat for the two of them and gave me a weak smile and a wave. I dropped by the school to check on them later in the morning and they were fine. Jasmine had the problem I expected her to have. That mouth of hers. If I could hook it up to a motor I would get half way across the country in an hour. We had to have a little chat about how mommy could appear at her school when she would least expect it. To reassure her I plan to make an appearance tomorrow. Oh the joys of being a tough mommy!
While Jaden wasn't happy about the girls leaving him all alone, at the end of the day he announced he didn't miss them. After a trip to Sonic for lunch and a few trinkets at the grocery store, he figured out the benefits of not having the sisters around all day. I won't be able to scrap the school pics until the weekend. Until then, Jaden and I will play a few games and enjoy the quiet house.
Happy Birthday Hottie
Today is my honey's birthday. I am so jealous that he just gets better looking with each year. We celebrated the day by spending time at the park with our kids. It was great watching him race through the play ground playing hide and seek with them. Instead of wanting to spend the day doing something for him, he chose to spend the day making his kids happy. Now that is a great daddy. Of course I took pictures I scrap them next week.
I only have 3 more days until I have a small amount of peace in my house. The girls are going to school. I will do a little dance with Jaden. He and I have a little time alone together before he goes to preschool. That is when the real celebration begins. I keep hearing the question what will I do? My answer has been whatever I want but I know that is not true. I will volunteer at the girls' school, volunteer at the rescue squad, and the store takes front burner. I still have to teach cpr classes. There are several rooms that need a coat of paint, etc... It will take me from now until spring break to organize this house. I almost look forward to the challenge because I can do it in peace. Oh wow, I can pee without little people outside the door. I vow to turn off the ringers and sit in silence for a full 5 minutes.
Today marks sad memories for me and my little town. The town of Blacksburg Virginia has had a rough year. One year ago today a chain of horrible events started and we are still trying to stop them. When you work in EMS you become apart of a large family consisting of police, fire, and hospital staff. We lost 2 of our family members a year ago to a mad gunman who wanted to do nothing more than cause death. Derrick McFarland, security guard at Montgomery Regional Hospital, was shot to death by an escaping convict. This convict also took the life of Eric Sutphin, Sherriff's deputy. Having worked with both of these men hours before their deaths made it hard for me and my crew. With those memories still fresh in our hearts we had to deal with the April 16 massacre on Virginia Tech campus. So today our town unveiled the memorial for the 32 killed but 34 will live in our hearts forever.
What do you think?
Gallery is up and running
Check out the site. The layout gallery is up and running. Jeff worked really hard on it and I am soooooooo proud of him. If you have a layout you want to contribute to the site let me know. Maybe there will be a prize in it for you... (hint, hint)
Steppin' Out
About Me
- Toya
- Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
- It started out as a side interest for scrapbooking but photography has become so much more. My handsome and supportive husband along with my 3 busy children got pretty tired of being my focus. Now I have turned my camera to capture the beauty in everyone and everything else around me. Feel free to visit my web site-
Where I hang
Blogs/Sites I Like to Visit
- Add to Heart
- Angela Marvel Photog
- Bakerella
- Clear Creek Images
- Cosmo Cricket
- Disney PhD
- Hart Strings Photography
- Heidi Swapp
- Here by Grace
- I am a Coconut
- Inspire Me Baby
- Jessica Bell Tutorial
- Keisha - A Bit East
- Kelly
- Kelly Ryden
- Kerianne Brown
- Lara B Hopkins
- Light room tips
- Lisa Bearnson
- Mel's Sweet Treats
- Mesmerizing Moments
- Michelle Lieghton
- Miss Fancy Pants
- My Charming Kids- Stellan
- Photoshop fairy
- Picky Palate
- Pioneer Woman
- Queen and Co.
- Real Life Captured
- scrappinology
- Shealaine photography
- Stuck in Customs
- Swalker Paramedic Ranger
- Sydney Children
- The Info Palette
- The Lazy Scrapper
- The Savvy Photographer
- Zobbies photo tips