The girls
Today was the day! The first day of school finally arrived. The girls happily bounced down the stairs to get eat and dress. They were even patient as mom took 77 pictures. Yep, I said 77. When you have a Canon Rebel, 77 is a small number. That thing can take several pictures with the slightest touch. They both did great until the bus stopped and Jasmine got on first. She stopped in her tracks causing Taylor to run into her. I think the realization hit her that she was on a bus heading to SCHOOL. Her eyes got really big and I thought she was going to bolt from the bus. Maybe it was a good thing Taylor was behind her. She started to move down the aisle like she had cement blocks on her feet. She finally found a seat for the two of them and gave me a weak smile and a wave. I dropped by the school to check on them later in the morning and they were fine. Jasmine had the problem I expected her to have. That mouth of hers. If I could hook it up to a motor I would get half way across the country in an hour. We had to have a little chat about how mommy could appear at her school when she would least expect it. To reassure her I plan to make an appearance tomorrow. Oh the joys of being a tough mommy!
While Jaden wasn't happy about the girls leaving him all alone, at the end of the day he announced he didn't miss them. After a trip to Sonic for lunch and a few trinkets at the grocery store, he figured out the benefits of not having the sisters around all day. I won't be able to scrap the school pics until the weekend. Until then, Jaden and I will play a few games and enjoy the quiet house.