Halloween and Happy November
Is this not the cutest bear you've ever seen? My kids wouldn't hold still long enough to take pictures. Taylor was Supergirl. Jasmine was a cat. Jaden was a ninja. We started off the day getting ready for the Maple Ridge annual Halloween Parade and party. I got the ambulance and met the neighborhood kids at my house. They all paraded up the street behind the ambulance while I flashed the lights and fired up the sirens. A party followed the parade. After the kids were all fed they went home to prepare for the major attack on the neighborhood for candy. I rushed off to church to help set up for "trunk or treat". Oh my goodness there were a lot of kids there. The town of Blacksburg is serious about their candy hunting rituals. We ran out of candy 3 times. When the clock struck 6 I was due back at home to help my own goblins rush out of the door for tricks and treats. It was daddy's turn to supervise our gremlins. He even got into the act and dressed up.

Yep, my husband can still wear his Marine uniform. Oh how I love a man in uniform. The kids finished their candy seeking and literally passed out after consuming as many pieces as they could stuff in their little mouths. It has only been a few days but they have managed to officially break every rule about the candy and daddy has stripped their little butts of all of it. I am now going through the bag picking out my favorites before I give it away. This halloween thing is paying off.
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About Me

- Toya
- Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
- It started out as a side interest for scrapbooking but photography has become so much more. My handsome and supportive husband along with my 3 busy children got pretty tired of being my focus. Now I have turned my camera to capture the beauty in everyone and everything else around me. Feel free to visit my web site- www.toyaearleyphotography.com
Where I hang
Blogs/Sites I Like to Visit
- Add to Heart
- Angela Marvel Photog
- Bakerella
- Clear Creek Images
- Cosmo Cricket
- Disney PhD
- Hart Strings Photography
- Heidi Swapp
- Here by Grace
- I am a Coconut
- Inspire Me Baby
- Jessica Bell Tutorial
- Keisha - A Bit East
- Kelly
- Kelly Ryden
- Kerianne Brown
- Lara B Hopkins
- Light room tips
- Lisa Bearnson
- Mel's Sweet Treats
- Mesmerizing Moments
- Michelle Lieghton
- Miss Fancy Pants
- My Charming Kids- Stellan
- Photoshop fairy
- Picky Palate
- Pioneer Woman
- Queen and Co.
- Real Life Captured
- scrappinology
- Shealaine photography
- Stuck in Customs
- Swalker Paramedic Ranger
- Sydney Children
- The Info Palette
- The Lazy Scrapper
- The Savvy Photographer
- Zobbies photo tips
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