My little Pocahontas
So Taylor decided to be Pocahontas for Halloween. She didn't bother to tell me. She at least told her teacher who let me know. I rushed out and bought material with fringes. I spent an hour and a half trying to come up with a costume out of the material. It was all worth it to see her face this morning and to hear her talk about how much she loved it. Unfortunately it was pretty cold this morning so she had to wear extra clothes to school under it. I got her to hold still long enough to snap a quick picture. Please excuse the hair I ran out of time when straightening. The hair gives her a whole cave girl meets Pocahontas look.

At the top of Peaks of Otter
Is this what it feels like to be on top of the world?

We got in too late last night to blog. We started the morning off interesting. I was awakened by my son informing me there were goats walking down the sidewalk outside his room. This was not exactly the way I'm use to waking up. Through sleepy eyes I notice my son is NOT wearing his glasses and I'm sure he was mistaking a goat for a really big dog. At his insistence, I went downstairs to check it out. Sure enough, there were 2 goats walking down the street. As my mind is trying to process what I'm seeing, I see my neighbor trying to lasso one. At this point I'm pretty sure I'm still asleep. I step out my front door to see several of my neighbors looking as confused as I was. The parents of these two kids were located by the police and taken home.
We grabbed a lunch and headed out for a hike at the Peaks of Otter and a drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It was the perfect day to hike. The temperature was in the 70's and the fall leaves were gorgeous. I have to admit it felt like we were never gonna get to the top. When we finally got there it was so worth it. It was like being on top of the world. Every where we looked was amazing. We could see the mountains for miles and miles. The kids did great. There were some pretty steep and dangerous areas. I tried to keep my fears of their sudden death stuffed in. Oh the innocence of children...

Found good spots
I have admired so many photographers blogs. They seem to find these great out door spots for taking pictures. Oh how I wished I had spots like those. I finally realized that I do have those spots in my own neighborhood. My friend, Magda, wanted to get to know her camera a little bit more so we went for a picture walk.
When we got to the bottom of the hill Dominik decided he didn't want to be in the shots. Jaden, on the other hand, is always ready to be in front of the camera. I learned that Jaden is interested in cameras. He was snapping away.
It is that time of the year. The air is getting cooler and the leaves are starting to fall. It is football season. While most of the people in my town are gearing up for Hokie ball, my house is gearing up for Pee Wee flag football. My 6 year old is playing flag for the first time. We have such a small town that there are only 4 teams so they just play each other over and over again. When you live in a small town you will know kids from other teams. You get the pleasure to yell for them all. So, while everyone else is tailgating for Virginia Tech, I'm screaming my head off for my little player.
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About Me

- Toya
- Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
- It started out as a side interest for scrapbooking but photography has become so much more. My handsome and supportive husband along with my 3 busy children got pretty tired of being my focus. Now I have turned my camera to capture the beauty in everyone and everything else around me. Feel free to visit my web site- www.toyaearleyphotography.com
Where I hang
Blogs/Sites I Like to Visit
- Add to Heart
- Angela Marvel Photog
- Bakerella
- Clear Creek Images
- Cosmo Cricket
- Disney PhD
- Hart Strings Photography
- Heidi Swapp
- Here by Grace
- I am a Coconut
- Inspire Me Baby
- Jessica Bell Tutorial
- Keisha - A Bit East
- Kelly
- Kelly Ryden
- Kerianne Brown
- Lara B Hopkins
- Light room tips
- Lisa Bearnson
- Mel's Sweet Treats
- Mesmerizing Moments
- Michelle Lieghton
- Miss Fancy Pants
- My Charming Kids- Stellan
- Photoshop fairy
- Picky Palate
- Pioneer Woman
- Queen and Co.
- Real Life Captured
- scrappinology
- Shealaine photography
- Stuck in Customs
- Swalker Paramedic Ranger
- Sydney Children
- The Info Palette
- The Lazy Scrapper
- The Savvy Photographer
- Zobbies photo tips
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