This past week
It seems like only yesterday that a mentally ill gunman walked into two buildings on the Virginia Tech campus and took the lives of 32 innocent people. These people didn't deserve to die. They were going about their lives educating and being educated. Some died saving others and all died for simply being in the right place at the wrong time. If someone would have told me 6 years ago that I would have spent that day caring for victims of a mass shooting or transporting the bodies of those who didn't make it, I would have told them they were crazy. This sort of thing just doesn't happen here. Well, this sort of thing happens any where. Terror doesn't care where you live, who you are, or how much you make.
I didn't realize how difficult this week was going to be for me. Our country has been through so much. Our little town has been through so much. It has been 6 years since the reign of terror enveloped my world. I have handled every year since pretty well but something about this year has caused the overwhelming anxiety and sadness. Perhaps it was the shooting at the nearby mall, the bombing at the Boston Marathon, or the explosion and loss of lives in Texas. I found my self drawn to campus on April 16 to pray and read my Bible. I couldn't stop the tears that rushed to my eyes as I looked across the drill field at the Hokie stone memorial. It was surrounded by people paying their respects to the fallen Hokies. I managed to walk near the memorial but I just couldn't walk by the stones etched with names of all you didn't survive the reign of terror. I found myself hugging a perfect stranger who looked as defeated as I felt. He didn't know any of them personally. But, he too remembers that day like it was yesterday.
I am reminded that I need to make the most of the life I am given in the time I am given. It can all be over in the blink of an eye. Yes, 2007 was a tough year but we prevailed and good things happened in spite of the evil that was done. Tomorrow is not promised...
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About Me

- Toya
- Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
- It started out as a side interest for scrapbooking but photography has become so much more. My handsome and supportive husband along with my 3 busy children got pretty tired of being my focus. Now I have turned my camera to capture the beauty in everyone and everything else around me. Feel free to visit my web site-
Where I hang
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- Add to Heart
- Angela Marvel Photog
- Bakerella
- Clear Creek Images
- Cosmo Cricket
- Disney PhD
- Hart Strings Photography
- Heidi Swapp
- Here by Grace
- I am a Coconut
- Inspire Me Baby
- Jessica Bell Tutorial
- Keisha - A Bit East
- Kelly
- Kelly Ryden
- Kerianne Brown
- Lara B Hopkins
- Light room tips
- Lisa Bearnson
- Mel's Sweet Treats
- Mesmerizing Moments
- Michelle Lieghton
- Miss Fancy Pants
- My Charming Kids- Stellan
- Photoshop fairy
- Picky Palate
- Pioneer Woman
- Queen and Co.
- Real Life Captured
- scrappinology
- Shealaine photography
- Stuck in Customs
- Swalker Paramedic Ranger
- Sydney Children
- The Info Palette
- The Lazy Scrapper
- The Savvy Photographer
- Zobbies photo tips
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