Hey, get back there
I don't have a picture to go with this experience but I wish I did. Today after my husband left for a business trip my 5 year old wanted me to teach her to ride her bike without training wheels. No, this story doesn't end up with a trip to the ER. Yep, I'm surprised it doesn't either! Jasmine is more outgoing than Taylor. She is more willing to try this whole no training wheels thing. The handle is attached to the back to help me hold her up. We got started. Taylor and Jaden are watching us run up and down the empty street. Pretty soon I could tell we both needed a break from this. Taylor stood up and announced she wanted to try. Now you have to know Taylor to know this is a rare thing. She came over and got on Jasmine's bike. I went up and down the street a couple of times to build her confidence. One the third try I let go of the handle. She was going great. I decided to jog next to her and let her know how great she was doing all by her self. She looked over at me, slammed on her brakes and yelled, "Hey mommy get back there". I nearly hurt myself laughing. She didn't care that she was doing well by herself she just needed me to be behind her where I belong. By the end of the experience Taylor is riding 80% by herself and Jasmine is pouting. Tomorrow I will take pictures.
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About Me

- Toya
- Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
- It started out as a side interest for scrapbooking but photography has become so much more. My handsome and supportive husband along with my 3 busy children got pretty tired of being my focus. Now I have turned my camera to capture the beauty in everyone and everything else around me. Feel free to visit my web site- www.toyaearleyphotography.com
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- Add to Heart
- Angela Marvel Photog
- Bakerella
- Clear Creek Images
- Cosmo Cricket
- Disney PhD
- Hart Strings Photography
- Heidi Swapp
- Here by Grace
- I am a Coconut
- Inspire Me Baby
- Jessica Bell Tutorial
- Keisha - A Bit East
- Kelly
- Kelly Ryden
- Kerianne Brown
- Lara B Hopkins
- Light room tips
- Lisa Bearnson
- Mel's Sweet Treats
- Mesmerizing Moments
- Michelle Lieghton
- Miss Fancy Pants
- My Charming Kids- Stellan
- Photoshop fairy
- Picky Palate
- Pioneer Woman
- Queen and Co.
- Real Life Captured
- scrappinology
- Shealaine photography
- Stuck in Customs
- Swalker Paramedic Ranger
- Sydney Children
- The Info Palette
- The Lazy Scrapper
- The Savvy Photographer
- Zobbies photo tips
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