So three years ago shots rang out in my little town that caused the entire US to stop. The Virginia Tech massacre was horrific not only to our town but to our country. I spent that cold day tending to a few wounded and transporting the bodies of those who didn't make it. I remember waking up the next day thinking it was all just a bad dream. This morning I woke to a normal day but knowing that yesterdays events could have created another nightmare. Yesterday a 13 year old boy went to school with 2 loaded hand guns and enough ammunition to destroy those we love. Fortunately the Angels were watching out for that school and the guns were found. While so many are looking for ways to complain and criticize how the school handled things, I am just happy to go about my day not lifting a body bag. The children of our country are begging for help and someone needs to pay attention. Instead of attacking others we should take the time to talk to our children so perhaps we can stop this from happening again. Today our kids are safe but what about tomorrow?
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